Anasoft Autowork User's Guide

2. Autowork Basics  Contents  4. Recording a Macro

 Using Major Functions


3. File Operations - New, Open, Edit, Save and Close

You can open, close, or save a macro by commands under the file menu within the main menu. There is a MRU (most recently used) macro list at the bottom of the main menu, so you can open recently used macros easily.


New Macro



Save As (Save in a New Name)



New Macro (Ctrl+N)

You can add a new macro in 2 ways:

1) Add a new macro directly from the control panel in any of the three methods:

     Method 1: menu command - Main Menu->File->New Macro

     Method 2: accelerator key - Ctrl+N

     Method 3: Add New button command in the control menu.

2) Record a new macro.


When you add a new macro in the first way, you will first be prompted to fill in the properties of the new macro. Make sure you have provided a valid macro title and macro path for it. If you don't bother to find a path for it, you can check on "Temporary Macro" check box in the "Macro File Path" group, Autowork will assign a path for you automatically.


When you start recording a macro, Autowork will automatically create a new macro for you. You will also be prompted to fill the title and path, as well as other options for the macro before recording can start properly. For more details on recording, please read Recording a Macro.


Open (Ctrl+O)

You can open a macro from an existing disk file. There are several ways for you to open a macro:

1) Open from an existing macro file directly from the control panel in any one of the three methods:

     Method 1: Main menu command - Main Menu -> File -> Open Macro.

     Method 2: Accelerator Key - Ctrl+N.

     Method 3: Open Macro button command in the control panel.

2) You can double click a macro file in the Windows Explorer to open it.

3) You can drag a macro file from Windows Explorer into the control panel to open it.



A macro was automatically saved after you recorded it or edit it and press ok or save button in the VME.


Save As (Save in a New Name)

There are two ways to save a macro to a new file:

1) Change "Macro File Path" in the properties page in VME and save changes.

2) Main menu ->File -> Save Macro As.


Close (Ctrl+F4)

Current macro will be closed automatically when you open or run another macro.

You can also close it manually by the menu command: Main Menu -> File -> Close Macro (Ctrl+F4).