Anasoft Autowork User's Guide

5.5 Editing the Scripts of a Macro  Contents  7. Running a Macro

6. Debugging a Macro

Simple Debugging Mechanism

Debug Commands and Break Points

Pausing/Continuing Debugging during Debugging

Stopping Debugging


Simple Debugging Mechanism

Current version of Autowork supports simple debugging mechanism. You can add break points to some instructions. After you have finished editing a macro, you can click the Debug button to debug it. When you are debugging a macro, rather than running it, the macro will stop at an instruction if a break point was attached to it. This is the only difference between debugging and running a macro in Autowork at this time.


Debug Commands and Break Points

You can add break points to some instructions within VME When you are debugging a macro, rather than running it, the macro will stop at an instruction if a break point was attached to it. 



Pic UG-6-1 Debugging related buttons in the VME. You can set or remove break points by the two right-bottom buttons.


The two buttons at right bottom can be used to add or remove break points, the five buttons on top are "Stop Debugging", "Debug", "Step Into", "Step Over" and "Step Out". In current edition, "Step Into", "Step Over" and "Step Out" work the same way as "Debug". They may be different in future editions.



Pic UG-6-2 The running macro was stopped by a debug point. You can click the debug point status button to continue debugging.


Pausing/Continuing Debugging during Debugging (Ctrl+Shift+P)

Like running a macro, you can also pause debugging with the same hot key you use to pause the running of a macro - Ctrl+Shift+P. After you have paused the macro, you can resume debugging by the same hot key. The value for this hot key can be changed at the hot key page in the options dialog box at any time when you want to do it.


Stopping Debugging (Ctrl+Shift+S)

You can stop debugging a macro completely by the hot key Ctrl+Shift+S. This is the same key as you used to stop running a macro.